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Homemakers Spotlight: Hydrofire

HOMEMAKERS is proud to shine a light on Hydrofire

Winter is well and truly here and it’s time to consider how you will heat your home. 

You could pop to the shops and pick up a heater that will eat your electricity (when we have it) and dry out the air. 

Or, you could take the time to consult the experts at Hydrofire to ensure that you get an exclusive, expertly chosen and installed fireplace that will suit your home like nothing else. 

Hydrofire was founded by Bulgarian-born and US-trained engineer and entrepreneur, Kristo Nikolov in 2013. Kristo’s emphasis on engineering and technical knowledge ensures that the company is always on par with the latest international standards. 

hydrofireThe sparks flew and the clients’ passion for what Hydrofire has to offer kept building. 

Due to Hydrofire’s passion to deliver a quality product at a sharp price, their commitment to customer needs and their dedication to getting it right the first time, that fire has turned into an inferno. 

Their knowledgeable team provides deep expertise and excellent service to the client while never forsaking their eye to perfection. 

In their own words: 

Hydrofire = Value Add Experience 

Their expertise and high standards were acknowledged on the morning show, Espresso, where they were asked to share their knowledge on fireplace heating solutions. 

The team at Hydrofire have also done several very high-end integrated heating systems for large homes, including fully automated central heating systems. 

Their outstanding service delivery doesn’t stop at fireplaces! 

Imported from Europe and crafted to the highest standards, you can rely on Kristo and his team to assist you in finding the right braai, or central heating solution fit for your needs. 

Some exciting developments on the horizon for Hydrofire is a move to a new 300m2 Cape Town showroom facing Marine Drive. 

Hydrofire and HOMEMAKERS have been working together since 2014. They have appeared in the HOMEMAKERS magazine and website and have been a can’t-miss exhibitor at HOMEMAKERS Fair over the years. 

In their own words, their experience with HOMEMAKERS has been excellent and they are excited to keep the home fires burning. 

Contact HYDROFIRE for your heating needs. 

Tel:+27 21 510 0980 

Visit our website: 

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