HOMEMAKERS is synonymous with good deals and even better exposure. Our product offering is vast and we can help you every step of the way in your business endeavours. We offer clients many options and give as many discounts as we can muster to make advertising with us affordable and rewarding. We know how to get the leads. Let us guide the way and make for a successful and prosperous 2022! Read more and learn how to save with HOMEMAKERS.
Why It Works
The use of emotional appeal is nothing new to print advertising. Whether it’s employing dramatic copy or an image that strikes a response in the reader. This works the same with other advertising initiatives, but with print advertising in particular, what makes it special is the fact that readers love to feel paper because it triggers neural responses. Reading on print is a slower process and a deeper connection is formed, meaning you are more likely to remember what you’re reading. Because paper is multisensory, people are more likely to pay attention, grasp what they’re reading and recall it. Findings indicate that reading print is more intimate than reading off a screen.
David Klein, CEO and President of Macromark, Inc. has a rich and deep background in direct response marketing. He says “Although digital marketing has exploded in just a short time, print marketing is still highly effective in helping companies reach their customers. Since printed material can be sent directly to a customer’s home, businesses can ensure that they get their prospects’ undivided attention. Additionally, since printed materials are often left on countertops and side tables, they have a longer lifespan than digital ads. They hold a customer’s attention for much longer, thus making your ad more effective”.
Added Digital Features
When you sign up for three months you get value-added services. You will also feature on our very busy website in the form of an online business listing, and your advert will be placed in our Digi mag with a readership of 82,500. Our digital magazine has been a great success since its inception in early 2020.
Extra Deals
Sign up for six months and get 6% off. When you book for 12 months you get a 12% discount. You can also get an added 1% discount for every added region you run your advert in.
When you advertise consistently your brand awareness and credibility grows. Commit to your brand, commit to your customers.
Reach out to a HOMEMAKERS Sales Exec or visit our Digimag to see what the big fuss is all about.