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Stop bulling in schools

Worthy Causes for January

Stop bulling in schools
Start the new year by making a difference
Charitable giving is a two-way street

Not only does it make you feel good, but it also promotes better personal values and moral actions.

Donating to charity and becoming involved in the community of charitable organizations, even just as a silent spectator and donor, will also create a sense of gratitude and awareness of your own privileges.

Bringing charitable giving into your business can benefit your employees as it gives a sense of community and social involvement.

To help you reach your altruistic ideals, we’ll be shining a spotlight on various vetted, worthy causes across South Africa each month.

As the new school year kicks off, we went looking for charities that support child wellbeing and combats all forms of bullying.

The first one we want to draw your attention to is the #StopBullying initiative. According to their website they work with some of the most vulnerable children.

“In partnership with Children’s advocacy organisations we have created several tools for teachers to use to communicate Bullying to learners at a young age. In addition, we have designed posters to give advice on how to create BULLY FREE Schools. To encourage participation, we are launching an ANTI-BULLYING Poster competition. Our research shows that art is a powerful tool for social change and using art creates opportunity for dialogue and creating social change.”

If this is a cause that you might want to support. Find out more


Secondly, we want to bring your attention to the Kidz2Kidz “Cool 2 be Kind” program

“Our Cool2BeKind workshops teach children in all communities, the value of kindness and empathy as alternatives to bullying and abuse.


If this is a cause you are interested in … Read More.


Finally, for a full breakdown of some of South Africa’s most worthy and respectable charities, do yourself a favour and read the Daily Vox article.


For some much-needed good news, read this article about the headway that has already been made in South Africa to combat cyber bullying.


It’s time to focus our efforts on the betterment and wellbeing of others and in doing so rediscover our own human natures.


Watch out for next month’s newsletter where we will be bringing you even more worthy causes.