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Advertising in Trying Times

There is no better time than now to reflect on your business. COVID-19 is effecting all business owners and it is a harsh reality for many. During this challenging time, you will have to take careful consideration of where you will be spending your money.  If you have had ad spend success, it is important to consider both online and print advertising in trying times for numerous reasons. 

With us being housebound and glued to our devices, online advertising is a pretty good idea at this stage. We can’t help but feel the need to encourage business owners to continue advertising and take their brand straight to the consumer at home. Our magazine is delivered directly to people’s homes so potential customers do not have to go out and find you. Our website receives a healthy dose of daily traffic, and our consumer newsletter reaches over 40k inboxes a month. 

Today we look at reasons why advertising is a good idea in testing times. According to Forbes this is why you should continue advertising.

Stand Out

Your competition may be cutting back on adverting and that is a major advantage for you. Forbes explains it as the “noise level” in a brand’s product category that can drop when competitors cut back on their ad spend. It also allows for advertisers to re-position a brand or introduce a new product. It is an ideal time to source more customers.

Stable and Strong 

When your brand keeps showing up, people are going to notice and put faith in your brand. Forbes puts it like this: Brands can project to consumers the image of corporate stability during challenging times. The cost of advertising drops during recessions.

Go Direct 

HOMEMAKERS magazine goes straight to postal mail recipients. This is good news considering you want to increase your reach. Forbes states that the lower advertising rates create a “buyer’s market” for brands. Studies have shown that direct mail advertising, which can provide greater short-term sales growth, increases during a recession.

Advertising Exposure 

When marketers cut back on their ad spending, the brand loses its “share of mind” with consumers, with the potential of losing current – and possibly future – sales. An increase in “share of voice” typically leads to an increase in “share of market according to Forbes.

Talk to your sales executive today about adverting on our HOMEMAKERS ONLINE website or in one of our nationally distributed magazines. Our consumer website and magazines are a great platform for you to start advertising.