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Things to Consider When Working from Home

Many people who are used to the office environment may believe that us few who are always working from home have it good. They may assume that we sleep in and stay in our pyjamas all day, but that is a big misconception.

Getting the job done does not have to be confined to an office block. Many of us HOMEMAKERS staff work remotely. The office environment can be stifling to many and we are lucky enough to have a CEO who encourages flexible workplaces and times. The office environment can make employees feel locked in which has a direct effect on their creativity. Offering flexible hours can encourage employees to work harder in environments they thrive in.

This gives us quite the advantage as lately many South Africans are spending more time at home and to the privileged, the chance to continue working and earning a living from home during our official lockdown for three weeks.

We share our top tips for working from home successfully.


If you barely work from home, you may not have a study or room where you can work away from the hustle and bustle from the rest of your house. From a simple desk in a corner to a nook in your lounge, you do not always need a fully dedicated home office to get stuff done. 

Make sure you consider your posture. A good chair and table can make the worst of setups a pleasure to work in. If you are setting up at home for the long-run consider a standing desk. These are great because sitting can take its toll on your body.


This is your workday bible. Do not stray from your schedule and you will always be up to date with your jobs. Things can get overwhelming with big projects when you work remotely. You do not have a team member near to ask a few questions, which can be difficult sometimes. Having a schedule will help you focus your attention and give you time to communicate with your team telephonically or via email. 


Now is not the time to get stuck on social media or getting the housework done. If you have a family (under normal circumstances), it is a good idea to invest in some help. A nanny to help with the littles or someone to help you tidy the house is really helpful. If you cannot afford this luxury, make time for housework at night. We have all been there. A crazy work schedule at home, then a partner or small family to still take care of. Having a schedule will help you prioritize your day.


Make sure you have access to the office tech team and that your internet service provider is reliable. There is nothing worse than being on a tight deadline with no WiFi at your home office. Have a good understanding of how your hardware and software operates and you will be able to solve most small problems that come your way.

Find more business tips here.