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Digital Marketing Basics

One thing we noticed on our client day this year, is that a lot of our guests had questions about digital marketing. We believe in the full integration of both traditional marketing like print and in digital marketing. Digital marketing is now part of your business blueprint and how it can assist you should be carefully considered.

96% of Business to Consumer (B2C) marketers say that Facebook is their most valuable platform. Among Business to Business (B2B) marketers, LinkedIn is a favourite, with over 93% claiming it is the most valuable platform for business.

Consider this a starter pack if your business has not integrated with the digital world yet.


We still see many businesses without websites. Now you may have relied on print advertising your whole career, but things are changing and so should your business. Creating a website is fairly easy. If you are tech-savvy enough, you can create your own with WIX or even WordPress. If this is challenging to you, consider getting a professional to help. Shop around for a designer that speaks your language.

When you have your website, make sure it is SEO optimized. This will help customers find you and can be just as effective as AdWords if used successfully. This is also the place to start your blog. Your blog is where you can connect with your customers more personally and really get to know and understand them.


It’s part of the digital marketing fabric. You need a Facebook page and most probably a great Instagram account too. Customers want to see what projects you may be busy with and how you respond to customers online. “letting customers in” is part of the buyers DNA. They want to feel like you see them and that they matter.

Create a Facebook page for your business where customers can see constant updates and new products. Here you can create targeted adverts with a budget you choose. Facebook is surprisingly helpful and shares daily tips to increase potential customer reach. Social media ads are a great option for small budgets.


Digital marketing can significantly improve your reach. It gives you the opportunity to fine-tune your desired target markets allowing you to invest in campaigns that are far more effective. Campaigns are available from Google, Facebook and Instagram – even Twitter and YouTube.

Free tools such as Google Analytics help you understand how effective your marketing is and how it is affecting your targets.

Digital marketing is simpler than you might think. Making it a success is all about being present, consistent and authentic. Start with the basics and get to know the online sphere. Even if you employ someone to do it for you, their words may seem foreign in digital marketing strategy meetings.

Getting your business online will keep your business at the top of people’s minds resulting in more leads for your business. Visit our Expo’s Facebook page and follow our stories