What’s Your Advertising Plan For Jan?

The Christmas decorations are already up wherever you go. Work is slowing down and employees are focusing more on the first cocktail they’ll have on the beach than getting the last reports out.
And you haven’t started strategizing your marketing plan for 2023?
The new year is closer than you think – now is the time to revolutionise your advertising approach.
How to Win at Print and Digital Marketing
Just using print and digital marketing at the same time isn’t enough to revolutionise your marketing strategy. Here are a few aspects that need to be considered to make sure you’re doing it right.
Know Your Customers
Is your customer base more prone to Googling your services? Do they prefer seeing proof of your products in their hands? Do they need just a nudge from print to get them on to your HOMEMAKERS listing and filling out the contact form?
You can pinpoint points throughout the customer’s journey where you can use print and digital to maximise your marketing efforts if you understand how your clients move from awareness to action.
Set campaigns up for success by determining the moments in the consumer journey where print and digital efforts may boost your campaigns the most before any copy is produced or any designs are drafted.
Keep to Your Brand
The amount of interactions your clients will have with your brand is already increased when you combine a print and digital marketing plan.
Make sure your branding is consistent across all platforms, though, to really reinforce your message.
If your brochures are elegant and classic, while your listing and banners are playful and energetic, your potential customers will interpret this lack of consistency as a reflection of your service delivery. And if they see your ad on Google, and it’s totally incongruent with your print ad? That potential customer is never going to click on your page.
It makes sense then, to use one service for all your marketing materials. Therefore:
Put Your Print and Digital Eggs in One Basket
Having the same team handle both print and digital initiatives is the greatest approach to guarantee that branding is uniform and that they complement one another.
Print and digital campaigns may draw attention to one another, engage customers, and keep a business at the forefront of a customer’s mind with consistent branding and messaging.
With HOMEMAKERS’ comprehensive marketing services, from brochures and flyers to Google Ads, Advertorials, and web banners, there’s no way your potential clients will miss you.
Advertising with HOMEMAKERS means that your name reaches:
82 500 digital reach through subscribers and clicks on social media.
290 000 print editions .
That’s a staggering total reach of 372 500 potential clients!
Growth across all house Price Index (HPI) brackets means that thousands of homeowners are ready to invest in home improvements.
Call: +086 111 4663
Publication and General Enquiries: info@homemakers-sa.co.za
Expo Enquiries: expo@homemakers-sa.co.za
Don’t delay – choose HOMEMAKERS today.