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Website Hosting

Last month we discussed domain name registration as part of our three-part series to help you run and build your own website. The third part of this insert is about website hosting. You’ve built your site, chosen a domain name and now the time has come for you to find a host. Let’s look at the basics of website hosting.

website hosting

In a Nutshell

Namecheap explains, “Web hosting is the process of renting or buying space to house a website on the World Wide Web. Website content such as HTML, CSS, and images has to be housed on a server to be viewable online”. Don’t always choose the cheapest option as essentially, not all hosting options are the same. 

Choose the Right Host

Website developer Laura Bernheim says, “If done right, you can spend a lifetime of happiness with a reliable and high-performing host who is always available through phone, chat, or email to answer your burning late-night questions. However, rushing into a hosting relationship without doing your research could lead to feeling trapped, misled, or extorted. Choosing the wrong host often ends with headaches, and an “expensive divorce” – leaving you alone, holding on to all the files you used to share.”  

It is important to know what type of hosting you will require before making any commitments. 

Types of Website Hosting

There are a few different types of hosting options, all with their own functions. Techradar tells us more about the types of hosts and what they are predominantly used for. 

Shared Hosting: Shared hosting is perfect for entry-level website hosting. This is where your website will be stored on the same server as multiple other websites. 

Virtual Private Server: A VPS hosting plan is the middle ground between a shared server and a dedicated server. It’s ideal for website owners that need more control, but don’t necessarily need a dedicated server. 

Dedicated Server Hosting: Dedicated hosting gives website owners the most control over the server that their website is stored on. That’s because the server is exclusively rented by you and your website is the only one stored on it. 

Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting is the current buzzword for the technology industry. In regards to web hosting, it means many computers working together, running applications using combined computing resources. 

Managed Hosting: With managed hosting, the provider looks after the day-to-day management of hardware, operating systems and standardised applications