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Build Your Own Website

With the right skill set, you can easily design and build your own website. Website building sites like WIX, Weebly and WordPress are great sources to begin your web design journey. If you are an SME ready to take on the digital world and showcase your services and products online, then doing so yourself is relatively easy. These websites do everything for you from design and layout to domain registration and email setups – giving you full control.

Mix It Up

Website building apps allow users to start the web design process with convenient functions.   

You can start with a blank template or open any designer-made template in the Editor to begin. Wix and Weebly make it easy with drag and drop technology to add elements like images, texts, social links etc which you can place anywhere on your layout. Despite using a template, both these websites still give you enough freedom to change things up to suit your brand identity.  

If you are not sure where to begin you can also use the automatic site builder that Wix has to offer. The Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) asks you a few questions about your business and style preferences, then creates a fully designed site with custom content and images built-in for you. You can change this up as much as you like too. It’s pretty convenient.

Free for All

Wix, Weebly and WordPress were designed so that anyone with a computer can build their own website – free of charge.   

All three offer free service until you want to connect a domain or include elements like online payments etc. To avoid long URL’s that you may get from using the free option, you could opt for a URL shortener app that will make your free URL look a bit more professional.   

You can use Wix’s free service for as long as you want. You can also design as many websites as you like without any obligation to pay at some point. No credit card details are required to start designing.  Premium plans are available and are reasonably priced across all options.   

Something for Everyone

Wix, Weebly and WordPress will undoubtedly have something special for you. Their vast variety of templates make it easy to choose something that speaks to your brand. The initial template search is so worth it because when you find the right one, it will work for years.  

Their visually impressive layouts are designed for small businesses, restaurants, online stores and artists. They are optimized for mobile devices and can be made more functional with apps available from each website builder.  

Get a website today!