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Why Waiting To Launch Could Mean Business Death


A good launch means that you waited too long… 

Turns out, a new business venture is not a space shuttle. Your launch doesn’t have to be perfect for the venture to be a success. 

A Launch is A Balancing Act 

There is a balance that must be found, between being viable, and able to deliver on your promises, and being perfectly fault free from day one. 

Great ideas are useless without action. 

Have you ever had an idea mulling around in your head, just to look around you and then find that a competitor launched the same service before you?  

Have you then sullenly scrutinised their launch and service, nit-picking it for mistakes, and shouting high and low about how you would have done it better? 

Well – all your good intentions are wasted because they got their first. And chances are, they are aware of the issues and plan to address them as they go along and learn the ropes.  

In Business, At Least Initially, Done Is Better Than Perfect 

Many customers will understand and appreciate the honesty of a service provider who is upfront about the fact that they are still figuring out the best ways to do a specific thing and even help you by way of giving feedback.  

In return for this, you can offer reduced pricing (as a type of “start-up special”) or even a full money-back guarantee. This might sound risky, but it’s still better than having your idea hijacked by a competitor who wasn’t as overly cautious as you.  

Building Relationships After the Launch 

Once you have perfected your service offering, you can also go back to your initial clients, explain what improvements have been made an offer to upgrade their products at no extra cost. This will ensure that you gain a customer for life, but also give you the time and opportunity to “launch-and-learn.” 

Non-Negotiables Before Launch: 

Have a robust supply chain and be satisfied with the quality of products and supplies needed to perform the service. 

Ensure that you have the technical know-how and training to offer safe and reliable service within a given timeline. 

Basic, clear marketing and branding. 

At least one reliable line of communication. (Whatsapp/Email/Phone call) 

Things You Can Sort Out The “Launch-And-Learn” Way: 

Large-scale capacity for bigger projects or more clients at a time 

Most economic use of products and supplies (streamlining finances). 

Quicker turnaround times.  

Larger marketing campaigns and things like vehicle and staff uniform branding. 

More integrated comms, like a call center, a mobile app, a website, and other social media platforms. 

Don’t sit on that big idea for too long – take the leap and get it out there first! 

 Read more interesting business improvement ideas here.