Ubuntu Is So Much More Than A Catchphrase

“I am what I am because of who we all are.”
“A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based on the certainty that comes from knowing that we belong in a greater whole.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
We have some of the best wines in the world, Nelson Mandela is knows by everyone, and who can forget the VuVuZela?
Yes. South Africa is famous for many things, but our greatest export by far is the philosophy of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu: The acceptance and celebration of the fact that we are not humans, isolated and alone. We simply cannot thrive or overcome without knowing our place in the greater interconnected African society.
How Can Ubuntu Benefit My Business?
We have already spoken about the importance of cultivating a company culture. By understanding and applying Ubuntu in your day-to-day workings, you can strengthen this culture and use your business as a force for good.
According to a How and When blog posted on 31 August 2021, some of the key aspects of Ubuntu include:
- Communality – helping your neighbour in times of need
This can translate to simply being willing to go the extra mile. Whether its supporting a co-worker, helping out a customer or even showing compassion to a supplier in need.
- Respect and dignity – it is hard for individuals in a society to hurt the people they respect
This can be most beneficial when applied to co-workers and employees. Respect is the basis for any good relationship. And good relationships are crucial for working well together.
- Acceptance and humaneness towards one another
Understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and accept that not everyone is the same.
- Sharing with one another and promoting group solidarity
Sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences can help your business grow and your workforce develop.
- Co-responsibility as a society for overcoming challenges
Taking responsibility for your role in the team and working towards creating the best possible society for all is a noble cause for any business.
Bring Ubuntu Home
Ubuntu isn’t just a buzzword mentioned in political speeches and touted as the newest Africanization philosophy.
Ubuntu lies at the core of what makes our country work, as well as why we absolutely believe in the living history of South Africa.
No, South Africa is not perfect, and no, one word can’t heal all wrongs. But embracing Ubuntu is an important step towards building a business with a bright future in this country of opportunity.
For a more in-depth discussion on Ubuntu, visit: