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Scaling Up Your Business Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

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How To Raise Your “Business Baby” Well

Any parent can tell you – what they want most for their children is to see them grow up well. You want to grow your business in the same way.

Your new start-up business will benefit immensely from the same attention and care.  

But as with parenthood, there are certain milestones that indicate whether you are on the right road for your kid…or shall we say, “business baby”. 

Just as raising a child needs to be intentional, building a “business baby” into a flourishing empire won’t just happen by itself. 

You Need To Have A Plan 

Plan for expansion from day one. Have a clear view with achievable timelines to guide your next steps and don’t lose focus of the main objective: grow your business. 

Grow Your Business: Automate And Optimize 

The secret to scalability lies in efficient and transparent processes. Don’t think you’ll sort this out later. Develop a robust administrative and operational SOP from day one. Ensure that all employees understand and receive training in this and use it as the foundation of your business. 

Grow Your Business With Consistent Marketing  

Embrace your business’s tone of voice and ensure that you have clear brand messaging across all platforms. It might take a while to establish but building a strong brand identity will benefit you in the long run. 

Encourage Customer Loyalty to Grow Your Business

Traditional marketing channels still work, yes, but nothing beats word of mouth. If your customers trust you to deliver X, and now see you expanding and offering Y as well, they will in all likelihood, trust you with their Y needs too. That’s how you grow your business by just doing your job.

It Takes A Village… 

It’s obvious that you can only grow your business if it has the right workforce, but also understand the importance of having the right advisors and experts on your side. Don’t be afraid to outsource this aspect and get help from industry leaders on the outside.  

Build The Right Networks 

Along with outsourcing expertise, ensure that you have the right network of suppliers and support industries. A business can only grow as big as its supply chain can support, and nothing kills expansion as quickly as having to cancel or postpone jobs based on supply chain issues. Don’t scale up until you’ve had honest discussions with your suppliers about their capacity and how you can work with them to ensure a smooth ride.  

Scaling up, just like growing up, shouldn’t be scary. With the right mindset, your business baby can grow into a fully grown teenager and happily start rolling its eyes at you and ignoring your phone calls.  

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