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Marketing Trends During a Pandemic

At the moment, companies are trying to figure out how to keep business open. It’s a scary place for business owners and marketing strategies are going through tremendous amounts of change to adapt to business in a COVID era. COVID-19 has changed the business landscape and there is no running from it. In this article, we unpack marketing trends and strategies you should be focussing on right now.

Digital is King

At the moment it’s obvious why digital marketing is at the top of the list. Companies have not had any other way to keep their customers engaged interested enough to keep investing. Businesses around the world are now more grateful than ever for online purchases and online channels where customers can continue spending money. HOMEMAKERS, for example, has fully integrated with online digital strategies when they launched their first digital publication amid COVID slamming our shores.

Printers were closed and they had to think fast. The success of the new online magazine has surpassed all expectations with companies as keen as ever to keep advertising with HOMEMAKERS so that their magazine can reach hundreds of thousands of people who read HOMEMAKERS. Along with an aggressive social media strategy, their pages have grown significantly during the pandemic. It is really important to use all the digital channels you have access to for digital marketing. Read an in-depth article about digital marketing on our Business Tools.

Communicate Clearly

You may need to turn your business strategy upside down to stay afloat during the pandemic. Again, HOMEMAKERS is an excellent example. From only printing hardcopy magazines, they had to make the shift to create an accessible digital platform for advertisers and consumers. Another great example is fashion designers, who may have designed haute couture pre-COVID and are now making face masks and other PPE products for hospital staff and frontline workers. Some are even selling directly to the public. They’re still selling and that is all that matters.

Because of the current pandemic, many businesses are having to change how they deliver products or services to customers. Businesses need to offer new products or provide alternatives for delivery options and trading hours. You need to make sure that message is clear across all of your digital channels. This way customers can do business with you more conveniently and it adjusts their expectations, guaranteeing more customer satisfaction.

Welcome New Opportunities

Internet use is up by 50 per cent. This means you can still reach your old customers and a sea of new ones. In previous articles, we have discussed that you need to meet your potential new customers where they are. Right now, they are online and looking for you. Keep in mind that different people use different social media platforms. Instead of only focussing on Facebook, you will have to up the ante on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. 

Make use of these platforms’ advertising plans. It is important to blend your online advertising across multiple networks and platforms. Read more about Google’s Bussiness Tools here

The future is unclear, but you still have control over how you are getting in front of your customers. It is important to be proactive online You just have to make sure you are being proactive by responding to the digital marketing trends that are developing.