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Instagram Success

Having a strong social media presence is part of the digital marketing fabric. Tik Tok, for example, has taken the world by storm and has become a money-making machine for all types of entrepreneurs, all over the world. Tik Tok, like Instagram, makes use of the visual narrative in digital marketing by optimising the posting of videos, live broadcasts and images.  

This article focusses specifically on Instagram and how you can gain a bigger audience and have a larger influence. Your business needs to be on Instagram – it is a point of reference for clients and potentially new ones too. Customers want to see what projects you may be busy with and how you respond to customers online. “Letting customers in” is part of the buyer’s DNA. They want to feel like they can connect with you easily. 

Create an Instagram page for your business where customers can see constant updates and new products. Here you can create targeted adverts with the budget you choose. Instagram is owned by Facebook, making it surprisingly helpful by sharing daily tips to increase potential customer reach.  

See how you can climb the ranks on Instagram!  

Get Personal  

Your profile photo is what Instagram users see before clicking on your story, interacting with your posts, or visiting your profile. With such high visibility, it is important to have a profile picture that potential customers can relate to.  

When it comes to posting, you should keep this in mind too. A study by the Georgia Institute of Technology and Yahoo Labs finds that photos with faces in them are 38% more likely to get likes on Instagram.  

Keep it Fresh  

Your Instagram account will start attracting a certain demographic. These people will all have something in common – you! Look out for other accounts similar to yours and make sure you are staying on top of the game. Share as many experiences, hobbies, or topics as you like. Some followers may connect with some aspects more than others. Balance is key. 

It is also important to write a grabbing bio so that potential customers know what to expect of your business aesthetic and brand identity.  

Call to Action  

As Hootsuite puts it, “Engagement rates are the real currency of the influencer community. And if you’re looking to boost engagement, sometimes all you have to do is ask. Reflect on the action you’d like someone to take when they see your post. Want more likes? Ask followers to double-tap if they share a certain conviction. Looking for comments? Try asking a question. Want followers to click on the link in your profile? Tell them why they should”.  

Find more business advice here.