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How to improve your print ads

Print advertising does not have to be boring. There are many interesting ways to get customers to react positively to your advertising. As a business owner, you need to get creative with your advertising – especially when it comes to print. As we have shared numerous times before, print advertising is still a valid and effective way to get more business through the door, but you also need to find creative ways to improve your prints ads.

We have written many articles on the importance of both print and online advertising. Utilising both can only get you ahead in the industry. Online advertising offers customers many ways to interact with an advert – from clicking links and commenting on posts for prizes, to receiving discounts if you share content and follow accounts, the options are endless online.

Print advertising works a little different and today we are sharing a few tips on creating more creative ways to get potential new customers to interact with your advert.

Good Quality Design

Boring just does not do it. In a publication like HOMEMAKERS your advert is placed alongside hundreds of other competitors’. Hire a great designer to make your advert stand out. Move away from boring colours and outdated fonts. If you’re not good with words, hire a copywriter to help you choose the best wording to capture the identity of your brand and the eye of the customers. Ask a fun question or share a fun fact about your company to get people to really look at your advertising. Sometimes a way to hook a new customer is to be funny and witty with words.

Coupons and Discounts

Offer readers coupons and other discounts. This is something that you can include in your advert design. Giving customers the chance to cut the coupon out of the magazine and bring it in for a discount is a great way to track your advertising and see how many people have seen your advert. It also motivates customers to use your services because everybody loves a good deal!

Highlight Your Website

People still visit websites for credibility purposes. Make sure you make use of QR codes so that readers can just scan the code and be taken to your website automatically. In the fast-paced time we live today, no one remembers a website address. Make it easy for your customers to find you online. Try this easy QR code generator to help you stay on-trend,

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