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Good Teambuilding Can Be A Game Changer


Teambuilding is like Pizza – Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. 

Although results may vary, the truth is that any form of conscious team-building effort can help co-workers better understand each other and form a more cohesive team.  

Understand What Team-Building is all About 

The true value of team-building is that it allows employers and employees to forget about deadlines, timelines, and normal management structures.  

The most effective team-building exercises make use of this informality to promote a relaxed type of multilevel socializing, which is where the magic happens. 

Here are a few tips on how to organize the most useful team-building events, and what to avoid. 

Feed The Team-Building Troops! 

This sounds basic – but the way to ANYONE’S heart is through their stomach. Having a variety of good food and ample non-alcoholic drinks available from the onset can set the mood for the entire exercise.  

This prevents people from getting Hangry (Hungry-angry) and also creates a non-cringy icebreaker moment as sharing a meal immediately makes people relax and loosen up.  

Obviously, be sure to check dietary requirements and allergies beforehand. 

Be Creative With Your Team-Building Freebies/Handouts. 

T-shirts, badges, wristbands, or even bandannas and buffs work well when the teambuilders need to split into different teams or groups. Avoid anything that might cause physical discomfort or discrimination. (Ensure that sizing is done beforehand and organized well – a team member not fitting into their t-shirt can create social awkwardness and embarrassment.) 

Also, stay away from hats. Hair is a very personal thing, and not all hairstyles will fit under a cap or withstand a day of hat-wearing.  

Ensure Adequate Team-Building Time And Give The Rest Of The Day Off. 

Unless it is a weekend-long team-building retreat, write off the whole day and do not plan on getting any work done.  

Schedule the teambuilding to start an hour or two after the workday, allowing for crucial check-in and admin to be dealt with, and then stop watching the clock.  

The point is for your employees to relax and connect. If the exercise ends 45 minutes before knock-off time, call it a day! Do NOT force employees to fill up the last few minutes of the day. This will kill the happy vibes and negate any positive emotions built up during the exercise.  

Try not to extend the workday either unless you expressly stated that during the run-up to the exercise.  

In the end, the type of team-building you do matters less than how receptive your workforce is to the socialization aspect of the exercise.  

Building relationships means building respect, instilling loyalty, and promoting positive company culture.  

Not learning catchphrases and sitting through seminars…(BORING!) 

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