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How corporate social investment improves business


  1. Meeting Needs:  Developing a CSI strategy helps you to meet the needs of your community while building credibility.
  2. Where to Start: Look at what skills, resources or services your business has to offer and how they can be used to address a social issue or problem you would like to alleviate.
  3. HOMEMAKERScare: For HOMEMAKERS our CSI is focused on partnering with others to help those in need with home improvement services of all kinds. In this way we ensure NPO’s are able to continue their work in a safe environment. Our next investment project happening in October will see us partner with the annual Cancervive Ride and providing much needed maintenance work for Stepping Stone Hospice Alberton. You can partner with us by emailing
  4. CSI Benefits: CSI has many benefits including greater credibility and a positive competitive edge. The knock-on effect of community upliftment is the creation of a common goal that has a tangible impact on your employees’ lives. This in turn creates greater job satisfaction and loyalty.

Corporate Social Investment (CSI) should be more than simply donating money to a cause. As the name suggests, effective CSI gets involved and uplifts societies in a tangible way.

To engage in CSI is to reveal the heart of your company. Show what issues you are devoted to and what matters most to you as a brand. Regardless of the CSI you choose, it should be something that makes a difference to those on the ground.


In recent years, CSI has changed to become a way for businesses to improve their credibility while making a difference. With unemployment rates increasing year-on-year, there is no shortage of need in every community. Developing a CSI strategy helps you to meet these needs outside of your day-to-day business activities.


A good way to start thinking about where to focus your CSI is to look at what skills, resources or services your business has. Secondly, you should think about what kind of social issue or problem you would like to address. For example, if you would like to focus on skills development, you may want to offer job shadowing to interested unskilled people in the community. You could set up short workshops that are facilitated by knowledgeable staff members. This gives your employees a chance to teach others about an aspect of your business.


At HOMEMAKERS we focus our CSI, HOMEMAKERSCare, on home improvement, appliance, services and home décor. This year we have teamed up with DIYer and lifestyle presenter, Elle Franco, to help NPO’s and individuals who are in need of home improvement services. This improves their everyday lives as they are able to work in a better, safer environment. More importantly, it ensures they continue to serve the community by remaining effective places of safety and assistance.

This kind of CSI fits in with HOMEMAKERS as a platform for home owners seeking suppliers in various home lifestyle industries. We are able to partner with companies who offer these services and provide for the relevant needs of the community.

Our Next HOMEMAKERScare Investment

In October we will be partnering with Cancervive during their annual bike ride and helping provide much needed maintenance work for Stepping Stone Hospice Alberton. You can join us in helping to meet Stepping Stone Hospice’s needs by emailing

See the highlights from the 2018 Cancervive ride below.

Reaping the Benefits of CSI

The benefits of CSI are that it improves your company’s credibility while improving the community around you. As a knock-on effect the living conditions of your employees who live in the community are also bettered. Getting your team interested and involved in what you are doing is an effective way to build comradery. CSI creates a common goal that has a tangible impact on your employees’ lives. This in turn creates greater job satisfaction and loyalty.

Showing your heart also gives your company a positive competitive edge that makes you more appealing to potential investors. Lastly, a greater brand awareness created by your CSI can help boost your existing marketing strategy.

In conclusion, creating and committing to CSI benefits both your company and the lives in your community. As you uplift the community by being a good corporate citizen you are able to generate new business opportunities. Not only that, but you also develop your brand as one that is credible and committed to transformation.

If you would like to find out more about our latest CSI or partner with us please email:


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