BizTrends 2021 in Review
The world is changing at a rapid pace and not keeping up will leave you stuck in old, inefficient ways trying to convince young, new consumers to trust your brand. Every year BizCommunity hosts BizTrends. Aptly titled Towards New North and New Narratives, this year’s talks were a raw look into what is waiting for us on the other side of the business landscape.
The line-up was stacked with influential people in the industry. From fashion gurus and trend analysts to coaching consultants and entrepreneurs, the talks were, edgy informative and a rude awakening to those who have ignored the positive impact young teams can make in an organisation.
The New Generation
Dion Chang, the founder of Flux Trends, hosted the virtual event and shared radical insight into what his company has dubbed the “great staggering.” Chang’s talk assessed and identified the impact of key trends over the last couple of months. It also gave insight into how businesses can derive value from incorporating these trends.
On the topic of trends, Ndeye Diagne discussed and analysed how Gen Z is influencing societal and cultural trends. Understanding the generation who is having the biggest impact on business is crucial for businesses today.
Luzuko Tena made a strong argument in his presentation. In his valid opinion, talent beats experience on any given day and it’s time for the world to notice. His talk gave us a good idea of what’s on the table for the new creative talents in the marketing industry.
One of our favourite talks was with Boniswa Pezisa and Dion Chang. In this conversation the message was clear. Gen Z – is not just seen and heard, they should be a part of the decision-making process.
Technology Ahead
Musa Kalenga kicked off the talks after lunch and gave us a whole new perspective on how technology like application programming interface (API) and its relation to the full spectrum of humanity is changing our lives as we speak. In his talk, he predicts that API technology will be used in such a way that it closes the developmental gap between Africa and the rest of the world.
Bronwen Williams’s talk was highly anticipated given her educational and professional track-record. She addressed the concept of how a small idea can change the world. Bronwen says, “We have to be careful about the narratives we tell, we have to have something to look forward to, but the narratives also need to be plausible and we have to believe in them. She said this about the fact that many young people have been sold the idea that everyone will be successful. She further said, “We should be asking whether the technological utopia we are being sold by those with wealth and power is worth walking towards.” Bronwen delivered a unique look into the future while keeping our cultural and personal narratives in mind.
The last talk was with Doug Place and Ann Nurock. Doug is the genius behind Nando’s advertising and Ann is an international advertising hotshot. The two had a serious talk about marketing and advertising and how our new way of living is having a direct impact on the way we do business.
Our favourite quote:
“Every business needs to relook what they do, what their business models are and what their purpose is – Dion Chang.