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Banner Ads

Advantages of Banner Ads

`Banner Ads

As we know, the internet is replete with other businesses and competition in your industry. It can be difficult to work on your brand awareness when everyone is advertising right next to you Google Adwords. Ideally, you want new customers to spot you and there is no better way to do that than to piggyback on other brands your new customers’ trust.  

For example, potential customers may pay attention to your ad if it is featured on their favourite-go to website. HOMEMAKERSOnline allows a related business to advertise on their very popular website – essentially allowing more traffic to your brand.  

Banner ads are image-based advertisements that often appear on the side, top, and bottom sections of websites. WordStream explains that banner ads can range widely in terms of size, design, and function. You’ll typically find them in all sorts of news-based websites, blogs, and specialized web communities.  

Market at Affordable Prices  

Banners are cheap to create and to share. Digital publishing software like PicMonkey is available for creating your ads and so much more. You just need the dimensions from the designer and your possibilities are endless. alternatively, you can ask the website’s designers to help you create the perfect banner ad.  

Banners draw attention to your products or services and attract online users by being visually pleasing. Pay special attention to your design aesthetic. People are attracted to beautiful advertising – make sure your banner advert reflects your quality of service.  

When you are designing your banner advert considers the following elements:  

  1. Simple yet eye-catching  
  2. Use interactive elements and designs  
  3. Blend in well with the content on the website  
  4. Have a Call-To-Action (CTA)  
  5. Do not cram a lot of information  

Target Customers  

Your target market is essential when it comes to inline advertising. Because people are spending so much time online, you need to find out where your demographic “hangs out” online. This is where you want to advertise. When potential customers are drawn to your banner, they will click on it and be directed to your website. Every click is a lead, so make sure you have weekly updates on your stats to see how your banner adverts are doing.   

Do thorough research when deciding where and when you want your banner advert to go live. You can see some beautiful banner adverts on our HOMEMAKERSonline website.  

Tell a Story  

Banner advertising tells people about your brand and identity. Take advantage of this opportunity to communicate to potential new customers what your products, values, and goals are about as a business. Make use of imagery and designs that relate to your industry and see what your competitors are doing to convey their story to their customers. Millennial customers have a desire to connect with the companies they spend money with  

Build Your Brand   

Think clearly about your industry, your brand, what it is that sets you apart. In marketing, your image is everything. Your brand needs substance for well-received brand awareness and top-notch sales. Banner advertising raises interest in people browsing the internet looking for companies like yours. Focus on building a strong brand that will be easily remembered.